Friday, August 10, 2007

GH: Night Shift Episode 5 - "Bed, Bath and Be Gone"

I have mixed feelings about the title as well as the episode, but since I've committed to blogging about the show let's try to make this as painless as possible, yeah? I'm going to try a slightly different format this week and we'll see how it goes, kay?

So the show starts with Kelly having some creepy ass dream that was actually pretty corny. Some masked man was trying to get at her while she was lying in bed so I'm predicting some kind of sexual abuse/rape story is about to rear it's ugly. Original I know. What I will give originality points for is having Kelly being sued for sexual harassment by the orderly she banged last week (I think his name is Paulo) who was pissed because he got fired. I give credit for having a sexual harassament where the woman is accused of the harassment (although technically Paulo's lying and he's the one harassing her) because it could be interesting, but I'm guessing it won't be, not that I'm skeptical or anything.

The misguided hacker slacker snuck back into the hospital to chat up Jolene and instead ended up on a "quest" to confront his fear of clowns. This ginormous, creepy clown came into the hospital because he couldn't control his laughter.

#1 I hate clowns
#2 That guy was totally annoying.

I can not believe I'm saying this, but I wish Jason would have pulled out his gun and shot Mr. Giggle Fits the second the Bozo wannabe opened his mouth.

Dr. Archer-
Speaking of weird patients, Dr. Archer's case was a married man who sleep walks right into bed with beautiful women. At one point he curled up beside Epiphany and ended up with a black eye. Okay writers you got me there. That was funny. Archer sends the guy to a Sleep Clinic satisfied that he's done what he could with this fascinating case and then Dr. Julien shakes his confidence by pointing out that it's possibly a scam. The way this weird, bald guy was checking out Regina as he and his wife exited GH makes me think the heart doc is right.

I would just like to point out that I am not finding these patients intriguing or amusing in anyway. They are annoying, creepy and frankly have led me to the decision to avoid the ER at all costs including but not limited to sawing my own arm off to fight off an infection if it means I will not run the risk of meeting these shifty people in the hospital.

Maxie -
Maxie, Maxie. This poor girl is just trouble. So the staph infection is still messing with her heart and Coop drops her off at the hospital, his presence is replaced by Mac and Georgie, both of whom I'm glad to see are still alive. Robin even had a moment with her cousin, albeit too brief, but you learn to take what you can get. This is going to sound so awful, but I enjoy Maxie when she's on the verge of dying simply because she's less of a bitch to Georgie. Georgie actually mouthed off to Maxie about her bad attitude and of course felt guilty about it two seconds later. She ended up being comforted by Spinelli and I found myself enjoying the scene (gasp!). I didn't think that was possible with this show. Who knew?

Epiphany -
Loud, abrasive, bossy Epiphany I can handle. Understanding and groupie Epiphany? Not so much. This alternate reality version of Pip is scaring me. She smiles and giggles at Touissant like an adolescent would at her high school crush except it's totally not cute. The generally no nonsense nurse is so star struck that she was nice to Regina after she let the bandaged Barret girl escape from her room. Epiphany's good mood is surely a sign of the apocalypse.

The main focus of these three was Jared, the comatose patient who was angry with his parents. When he woke up he was changed, meaning he was no longer angry with his parents (think backwards Jason). This of course led to the usual conversations of loving a child who hates you (parallel for Jason/Alan) and wanting to have children (aimed at Robin, who in case you missed it, is considering having a baby despite her HIV).

Although the night started out with some happy playfulness between Robin and Patrick which has been sorely lacking in previous episodes, it was sooooooooooooo not a sign of things to come. I think they maybe made it five minutes into the show before the miscommunications started in again. Leyla was having a bad night and Patrick stepped in to comfort her and of course Robin saw it and walked away upset. I burst out laughing when Leyla began her sob story by saying something to the effect of, they don't know what's it's like to be different. Um, just like the other two pink ladies, I mean student nurses, you have to succeed in the world of medicine because you're doing it for (insert family member's name here). Yeah, you are so original and so misunderstood. Of course Patrick had his own uncomfortable moment as he listened in on Robin's conversation with Jason about if she would ever know what it's like to be a parent. At least the powers that be seem to be going tit for tit as far as this couple's insecurities are concerned, but I wish they would freakin' get it over with already. I'm not asking for a civil discussion here, I will take a fight, anything to get them talking and stop with the hurt and angry faces!

And finally the award for most inappropriate moment of the year goes to...........

The ending montage of episode #5!

Congratulations you're insensitivity level was so high that it surpasses any inconsiderate moment that has happened or will happen on any television show this year! What are you going to do next? Scratch that. I really don't want to know.

Some orderly played Rie Sinclair's cover of "Dancing in the Streets" as exhausted doctors and nurses danced around the roof celebrating surviving another night shift. Cheestastic, but I was willing to let it go because it was a happy ending, at least that's what I thought. Suddenly I realize they were mixing in shots of Maxie flatlining while Mac and Georgie cry and Dr. Julian uses a defibrilator with these actors flailing about in what I think was an attempt at dance. I know some people would be dancing because of Maxie's death, but this was just ridiculous. How do you take a show that does something like that seriously? You don't.

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