Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just Saying

Was there ever any doubt that Ric Springfield was the coolest rocker on the face of the planet?
Cap credit - Tracee

I didn't think so. His whole performance pretty much rocked my face off, but I must say, if you ever get the chance to go and see him rock out live, you should go. As someone who has had the pleasure of being up close and personal with Mr. Springfield, I can assure you, that it will be worth it.

This week the Eli Love storyline came to a close after some wacky hijinks, including damaged vocal cords via a rogue mic stand, a power outage and lip syncing involving a brain damaged rock star, ensued. At one point Noah got cold feet which led to Patrick laying into him which was ridiculous because the whole I-resent-my-father-for-abandoning-me issue is getting a little old. I thought they were past all that, but I guess the writers decided to beat that horse one last time; however, I am willing to let that slide because the father/son reconiliation moment was fabulous.

Noah: Can I ask you something?
Patrick: Yeah.
Noah: Did you really become a surgeon because of me?
Patrick: You kidding? Of course.
Noah: How did I miss that?
Patrick: Because you don't pay attention. You know, growing up, I -- you know, when you wouldn't show up to my games or my graduation or whatever you promised you'd be at, I used to tell all the other kids that you were busy saving lives. And as much as I wanted you there, it was like having my own personal superhero.
Noah: I'm proud of you, Patrick. I -- I wish I had done so much more.
Patrick: You're here now. That's all I ever wanted.


Of course with this story wrapping up it meant it was time for us to bid the fabulous Anna adieu, but not before she voiced her support of Robin becoming a mother just as Patrick came within earshot. ::sigh:: Yes, thank you GH for slapping me back to reality. Yes, I am firmly aware that happy storylines aren't made to last. Curse you!

Since the rest of Port Charles is already suffering, I guess we should talk about their pain, secret or no.

Elizabeth and her brood were "accosted" in the park by two men and saved by Sam. I say "accosted" with quotes because the whole thing turned out to be a setup by Jason's jilted ex-lover. After reporting it to the police Elizabeth and Jason confessed their love for one another two seconds before declaring that they could never be together. This was's take on the event:

Jason makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Um, no. To me the "ultimate sacrifice" would be him giving up his job because it seems like he's far more attached to his beloved hitman lifestyle than to the people he cares about.

So Jason, being the mafia man he is, tracks down the two goons, with Spinelli's help, only to find out that they were paid off by Sam. In the meantime, Sam is busy working out her revenge plot and while this may be sick and twisted, I think I can get behind this one. It just makes much more sense than the recent faked romance plot with Craig, Robin and Nikolas. Good old Maxie just happened to see these two men leaving Sam's apartment and apparently she's smarter than she looks because she figured out Sam's plot, although the everyday hero confirmed nothing. Sam put her plan into motion by calling Lucky over and playing victim going on and on about needing a body guard because if these men are after Jason, they could come after her. I saw a glimmer of hope that Lucky had been given his brain back because he questioned Sam's motives. Then before I could blink, he went back to being stupid and accepted the job and placed a big smacker on Sam's recently single lips.It looks like those pills from last summer have caused permenant damage to Lucky's gorgeous brain. Damn you Maxie Jones!

Ric and Sonny went their usual rounds this week as the D.A. tried to get the upper hand by severely punishing Kate for her hit-and-run. Kate tried to make a deal with Ric after he renigged on her original plea bargain, but to no avail. Then, in a creepy turn of events, Kate finds her ex-lawyer boyfriend in her hotel room and it turns out he's Trevor Lansing, Ric's father!! This is wrong on so many levels, but I will try to ignore this and focus on the one fantastic line Kate delivered on Friday's show:

Kate: News flash, Sonny -- the world doesn't revolve around you.

That little bit of honesty makes up for the disgusting fact that she's slept with Sonny and (presumably) with the father of her ex-high school sweetheart's half brother. Almost.

Somewhere in Turkey, Irina found Jerry and Carly who thought they had the element of surprise on their side. See, Carly? I told you to take the shrieking down a notch or it was going to get you into trouble. After a week of playing Russian roulette with people's lives in this crazy psychological game, Carly was reunited with Jax only to be captured and have Irina taunt her about sleeping with her husband. I will give props to Carly for turning to tables on Irina by throwing Jerry in her face. It distracted GH's newest psychobitch long enough for Jerry to gain the upperhand long enough for him to basically threaten to double cross his brother and sister-in-law.

The word of the week is trust children. You want me to use it in a sentence? How about "No one in that Turkish cell can be trusted."

Finally, Logan and Lulu made love and sadly, I did not care. I don't understand why the powers that be think the audience likes relationships to be rushed. I just felt like there was no build up so their relationship has been a huge let down for me. Soon after, Maxie came to visit Logan to verify they had "done the deed" and asked for proof (again, eww) and Logan denied to event and kicked Maxie out.'s version of this momentous occasion:

A noble Logan denies to Maxie that he and Lulu slept together and tells her their deal is off, but she remains suspicious.

Yeah, pretty sure an adjective like "noble" does not belong in the same sentence with a guy who made a deal to get a girl into bed and fullfilling said deal would result in bedding another girl. Just saying.

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