Monday, August 13, 2007

Just Saying

You know a show is bad when you don't even feel inspired to mock it. I feel like right now, General Hospital is that bad, but I shall press onward. I think I'll start with the bareable and hopeful that will help me continue.

Anytime I see Finola Hughes on my screen it's a good thing. Sure the Eli Love story is silly, but in a world full of countless mob murders and paternity test, I will take it. It's been adorable watching Noah and Anna's kids freak about their possible relationship. I already blogged about how cute the parental/child bonding talks were, but I think what I was most happy to see was Noah finally getting some action. I mean, he was the original ladies man at the hospital and since his return, he's gotten nothing. Of course, this return to his days as a heartthrob was short lived because Anna kicked him out of her room before things got out of hand. The rest of the week the Drake men were pouting because the Devane women decided to cut them off from sex. Wow, so that's how you really piss a Drake man off. Good to know.

Meanwhile, Jason's 1,278th murder trial that we know he won't be convicted in continued. Liz testified again, followed by Skye (she's alive??!!) and Amelia who all did their best to make Jason's halo shiner in an attempt to blind the jury from the truth. Ric played the recording of Jason killing Alcazar and then called the creepy guy who disappeared last week to testify. Apparently he's the gardener and he claims to have seen Jason throw Alcazar's body into the back of an SUV the day/night of the murder. Jason was outraged, not because he's screwed, but because gardener man is lying. Diane asks how he knows to which he responds that hypothetically he would not throw a dead body in the back of his SUV. Duh Diane. It would totally mess up the interior. Sheesh. Then he goes on to say that this is guy wants revenge because Jason killed his brother (but Jason's not a murderer remember?), but it's totally cool because that guy was selling drugs. What??!! Someone please stop the insanity. Jason and Sonny are mobsters but they don't import drugs and weapons, so what exactly do they do? I think they're really just posers who have been lucky enough to have only been attacked by guys with bad aim.

Just when you thought for once Jason was completely done for, in walks a cop with info proving Alcazar's alive. Unfortunately, it doesn't look Ted King will be returning because the "proof" is fake. Carly and Jerry have been in Venezuela creating false evidence to make it look like Lorenzo's alive. Hmmm, I wonder if the jury will buy it. Dude, if it will make this trial end sooner, I don't care.

Lucky and Elizabeth's relationship continued to deteriorate this week and Sam did what she could to help that happen. After once again lying to Lucky about being Jake's dad and that she loves him, Liz runs crying to Jason. Yes, Elizabeth, because that's the way to drive the point home that you love your husband. Sam filled the void by showing up to apologize to Lucky about not telling him the truth. Later in the week, Lucky invited Sam back over to talk and the two decided to play with the kids at the exact moment Liz walked into the house. I have to admit, I got a twisted sense of pleasure to see that smug looked finally erased from Liz's face. Look, I'm not even going to debate who's right or wrong because everyone ended up sleeping with someone they really shouldn't have. My issue is Liz's lies. It's clear that she wants Jason so I don't think it's fair for her to string Lucky along. If she's done with him, just end it. It's clear that Jason and Liz are going to end up together and I could get behind a Lucky/Sam relationship as long as Sam's sincere and not just trying to get Lucky to piss off Liz. Lucky deserves better, not that the powers that be agree with me.

Since Jason hasn't been around for Sonny to tell him what to do, instead of twiddling his thumbs he's been hanging out with Kate. He saw her playing with his kids and got this sappy look on his face and all I could think was here we go again. The man is sucker for a woman who tolerates his kids. Kate's fate was sealed after she jumped into the pond to save Morgan from drowing (didn't Emily save Michael last year?) and ended up with a snake bite. I will admit, Sonny's conversation with Epiphany about Kate's fear of water was sweet, but I quickly forgot all that when he decided to shove his tongue down her throat after she said she wanted to leave town. For the love of all that is holy, why must Sonny always get what he wants and why can't he be without a woman for more than a week? Last summer, post breakup with Emily, was probably the most I have ever liked the character and it was due in large part to him not being on the prowl for the next woman. I'm sure my prayers will be ignored because as Kate made a run for it on Friday Mac haulted her plans by arresting her.

In teen land, Lulu and Logan grew closer and I will admit that the date in the rain and the surprise birthday was sweet. Again, I’m not completely sold on the relationship. Call me crazy, but Logan agreeing to sleep with Maxie if he gets Lulu into bed first isn’t exactly what I call charming. Speaking of, nice twist with Coop walking in on Logan and Maxie making out. I feel bad for the guy, but hopefully he'll get a good storyline. I like the good guys, but this show just makes the good guys boring. Just saying.

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