Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far...

So number one, is it possible to have too much pretty in one room? It seriously makes me question the fairness of life. All of these actors were blessed with amazing genes that make them gorgeous and Rick Springfield and Finola Hughes have aged ridiculously well. Can I look like Finola when I grow up?

Moving beyond the shallow, I enjoyed the interaction between father and son and mother and daughter. I don't understand why the powers that be don't have more familial interaction on the show. Why don't they get that it's more entertaining than watching a mobster escape murder charges for the 19,000th time or have to endure another painfully long "who the daddy?" storyline?

Back to the positive -- it was so cute to see the roles reversed between parents and kids and to watch the parallels be drawn the too. More than anything I was so pleased to see the return of cocky Noah!! If I was Finola, I would definitely let Dr. Drake Sr. operate on me.

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