Monday, August 6, 2007

Just Saying

Unfortunately, GH just didn't inspire me much this week so this will be brief. Jason's trial got underway as Sam was put on the stand and we all had to listen as her dirty laundry was aired for the umpteenth time. Next, Kate was called to testify and I actually found it pretty humorous because she basically made Ric look silly by saying phrases like "I'm going to murder her" are common slang (like at her job). As amusing as it was, I really hate to see one more person jumping on the I-hate-Ric-bandwagon. I love Rick Hearst and I just don't his talent is being wasted on character that the powers that be don't seem to want to make redeemable just like they have for every other character on the canvas.

Moving along, Ric played footage of Jason shooting the gunman outside the PCPD and effectively showed him as an effective killing machine to the jury. Despite the "damning evidence" Jason has escaped conviction for more than 10 years so it's a safe bet that this time will be no different. Come on people! Try and shake things up a little. You want to surprise me? Try something different like a conviction. What? You don't think so? I thought I should at least make the suggestion because it clearly has not occurred to you.

Of course the most dramatic testimony was supposed to be Elizabeth's which drug on for days. Ric asked her about the phone call Jason received the day of Alcazar's murder before preceeding to question her about her relationship with Jason. In an effort to prove that her testimony may be biased he established that they had dated and Elizabeth was forced to admit the one night stand. She cried (seriously, is it like a prerequisite that if you're Jason's woman you have to be able to tear up at the drop of a hat?), but I didn't feel bad for her. No, I felt bad for Lucky who just happened to be sitting in the courtroom. I expected that to happen, but what makes no sense to me is Elizabeth lying about who Jake's dad is. What was the point of admitting the one night stand if she was going to perjure 3 seconds later anyway? Following this thought of things not making sense at the trial, while Amelia was waiting in the holding room (why is she a witness anyway?) some random guy walks in and says he saw Jason dump Alcazar's body in his truck and drive off the night of the murder and the next day, Amelia doesn't mention it at all and the guy has disappeared. What the heck was that all about??!! I know, I know, this is GH and things don't make sense 90% of the time and I can't think about it because it'll drive me crazy and as previously discussed, I can't afford the therapy sessions.

So the big cliffhanger was Lucky asking Liz if Jake is his son and I'm sure come Monday, she'll continue to lie because you know, having this crap drag on for another year is great drama and it's what we all want to see!! Right, if I was a mascochist maybe.

Most people want to avoid criminal trials and that likes, but not Carly. She seems to be attracted to court rooms like a fly to a bugzapper. The banshee shrieked to everyone that she needed to be inside of the courtroom to help Jason and tuned out everyone rationally explaining why it was a bad idea. I think what Carly really needed to be reminded of the rules of her relationship with Jason: she screws up things for herself as well as those around her (including Jason) and then her bestest friend always cleans up her mess. She helps no one but herself and on the rare occasion where she does try to help someone, she creates disaster. Jason finally talked her out of staying because he is the only person she ever sometimes, occasionally listens to and for this reason and this reason alone, I do not want Jason to die as long as the character of Carly still exists.

To shift her focus elsewhere, Carly went to visit Jerry who was busy duking it out with Nikolas in his hotel room. I would just like to mention that while they're handing out Jerry ass-kicking scenes that Robin or one her uncle or her parents should get one too if for no other reason than to apologize to fans for the ridiculous Jerry's poisoning Nikolas storyline. Anywho, Carly kicks out Nikolas and after using Spinelli to get some info on Alcazar, she heads to Venezuela with her bro-in-law looking for some way to clear Jason's name. While there, Jerry's fever spikes (due to a knife wound) and after speaking what I think was French, he pulls Carly into a kiss (shock!) because his delirious mind thinks it's his dead ex Irina. But wait, Irina's not really dead (double shock!). She's on some boat holding Jax hostage because she wants to kill him in front of Jerry (?). While they're awaiting his arrival Irina gives a battered and scruffy Jax (he still looked hot by the way) a shave before trying to get him to sleep with her because after all, all female villians are horny and holding a gun to someone's head is such a turn on.

Back in Port Charles, Carly's little cousin Lulu was having her own boy troubles with Logan. After rejecting him and citing Coop's warning about his former army buddy, a ticked Logan attacks Coop which does a great job of showing Lulu how he's not dangerous. Riiiiggghhhtttt. Lulu takes Coop back to his room to clean up his injuries while Logan makes record time to the Metro Court to tell Maxie who teleports to Coop's door (seriously, how close is the Metro Court?) and tells Lulu to back off. Later in the week, Georgie comes into Kelly's and tries to help Lulu sort through her feelings for Logan. Can I just say how refreshing it is to see two women being friends instead of clawing each other's eyes out?

Speaking of things that made me happy, a standout scene this week for me was Spinelli promising to be Lulu's friend no matter what happens in her love life. She basically told him she would never love him, but she truly values his friendship and I enjoyed the touching bittersweet moment. Something else that surprised me was Lulu's date with Logan. Number one, I think she's foolish to trust him considering how many times she's seen him react violently, but this is a soap and according to soap rule #173 bad boys are always irresistible. After meeting Logan at Kelly's for a game of pool, Lulu agreed to one date with him as was stipulated by the bet they made on the game. Their surprisingly cute date consisted of a hike, a picnic of beer, chips and hot salsa and seeking shelter from the rain under a bench.

Lulu's aunt Bobbie made a shocking visit this week and showed up to the Metro Court where she found alcoholic Noah being tempted to drink. They talked about sobriety before Bobbie left, with the glass of liquor in her hand. Her vacated seat was promptly filled by some gawking groupie while the waitress brought Noah another glass of I think was vodka which the groupie insisted he drink. Then, to my horror, he fell off the wagon! Wow, must we continue to constantly bring down the character of Noah? I mean, let's not forget that during the course of his conversation with Bobbie he said he'd been sober for 390 something days. Um, dude, so you're telling me the last time he drank was about a year and one month ago? As in end of June as in like 2 months after his liver transplant? You know the liver his son gave him because he damaged his own organ with too much by drinking? Would it have killed you to have gotten out a calculator and thought about what you were writing? I am just saying.

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