Friday, July 20, 2007

GH: Night Shift Episode 2 - Skin Deep

No, no, no, a thousand times NO!!!!!! Nothing about seeing this on my screen Thursday night was alright: Now I was told that Night Shift was supposed to be about Robin and Patrick. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth:

You sir, are a liar. Liar, liar pants on fire! Jason was in every freakin' scene Thursday night!!! Even when the scene wasn't about him, the powers that be found a way to have him walk in front of the camera. I was settling into the idea that having Jason on Night Shift wouldn't be a bad thing because he will be a janitor (hilarious, by the way) and Steve Burton will have the chance to show some emotion. I thought to myself, "Self, he's been on the show a long time so the powers that be probably felt it was the right thing to do to give him some airtime." Then I thought to myself, when has that ever mattered to them? Vets like John J. York, Jackie Zeman, Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Leslie Charleson get little or no screen time so obviously years of loyalty to the show mean nothing to them.

Back to my point - I'm not ragging on Steve Burton, I'm not. I'm sure he's a lovely person, but this "Jason Morgan all the time anytime attitude" is beyond annoying. Now that they're bringing daytime Jason to Night Shift, I'm not so sure I'll be able to watch anymore. These characters are supposed to be somewhat different from their daytime counterparts, but that's obviously a load of bull. Case and point:

Daytime: Jason is a hero even though he is a hit man.
Night Shift: Jason saves not one, but two women in the first episode.

Daytime: Women love Jason.
Night Shift: Robin's leaning on him for support, Jolene has a crush on him and even the older lady is gone on him which is really disappointing because I liked her.

Daytime: Jason is in every scene.
Night Shift: Jason is in every scene, even though everything takes place inside of the hospital and he is not a doctor!!!

While all this is happening, Patrick and Robin, the stars of the show, are on for 3.2 seconds - blink and you'll miss them. If this is what's it's like to be a star, screw it. I'll be an extra anyday. Really GH execs? Seriously?? If I wanted to see mobsters be hailed as heros and doctors fading into the background so you can bring me shootout #1,694, I'd watch General Hospital.

The one bright spot in the entire episode was Billy Dee:

*He picked on Jason and said he couldn't shoot straight (hee!).
*He called Dr. Ford a Jackass.

Eeeeeee!!!! He is my hero!! And no, GH execs, contrary to your beliefs, heroism is not only restricted to those who wear the same leather jacket and t-shirt day in and day out and kill people who piss off their pint-sized pal for a living.

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