Wednesday, July 11, 2007

GH: Night Shift Episode 101

Um yeah, Night Shift writer, you have my attention. Now that's how you start a show. I know what you're thinking...."I thought they said Night Shift wasn't supposed to premiere for another 23 hours." Well thanks to the miracle of the Internet, Soapnetic provided an early showing. I believe in sharing so here's the link:


Sign up and once you launch it, click shows - GH - Night Shift Ep.1 If you rather watch it on your tele, the show will air on Soapnet at 5 a.m. EST and 11 p.m EST
Alright, enough with the PSA, on to my thoughts.

*The sexiness (shower sex, closet sex) was definitely a plus.

*Scrubs were fantastic all around (like there was any doubt).

*Mac!!!! I love seeing him, it's about time he gets a little screen time even if he has to be on Night Shift to get it.

*While the show is supposed to be a drama, I found myself laughing quite a bit. Spinelli of course offered quite a bit of comic relief, but who really surprised were Maxie and Coop. Let's just say I wasn't expecting to be so exposed to their "activities." The looks on everyone's faces when Mac catches them was priceless! As if that wasn't enough, I absolutely lost it went I saw the two of them emptying bed pans as punishment.

*Billy Dee - I like the subtlty of his character. I think I've already got him figured out, but I still look forward to watching his character pop up around GH.

*Mystery Jane Doe - I like mystery, but I'm not sure how I feel about the burn victim being Brenda. Everything points to her being the Jane Doe, but it just seems too obvious. I hope it's a little more complicated than all of that.

*The patients - I really enjoyed the different characters' stories. It was definitely refreshing and my favorite was the older lady, mostly because she had nice things to say about Robin (you know, instead of she's so jealous blah, blah, blah).


*Ford and Sneed - I hated them with a passion already and then Dr. Jackass (AKA Ford) brushed off Mac and now I hate him even more!

*The show definitely moves much quicker which keeps you interested, but it also makes it hard to get really into a dramatic scene because just as you're getting involved the scene changes. They need to find some happy medium to where things to seem so rushed. I'm also interested to see what happens in the next few episodes because it seems like they through everything into this one episode.

*This is minor but another thing that could go is the CGI images of the town. They totally look fake and it's annoying.

*Regina - I don't really like the girl's acting. I know she's new, so I'll give her some time, but I'm just not feeling her.

*The dialogue was awkward in a few points, but again, it's the GH writers that's to be expected.

*Music - Some of the background music just didn't seem to fit.

Bloopers: (Because I love to point out mistakes)

*The actors who play Dr. Julian and Dr. Ford couldn't get their timing down. Julian can be seen through the door window just waiting for his cue before he "rushes" into the ER in his first scene. Dr. Ford is visible during Robin's first visit to Patrick right before he casually walks into rag on them about the night shift.

*The orderly that pushes Patrick to his MRI - isn't he the same guy that snuck Maxie pills last year and got fired? Wow, if that doesn't make me want to put my faith in Dr. Ford (who claims to run the hospital) I don't know what would.

So I had pretty mixed feelings about the whole thing, but when I start to think about the bad things I will easily forget it by focusing on the pretty:

**Cap credit goes to Kim.

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