Monday, September 17, 2007

Just Saying

Monday we continued with the latest murder on GH and the unfortunate victim (or fortunate depending on how you look at it) was Leticia #693 or was it recast #710? Oh well. Either way, the Corinthos boys are in need of a new nanny. The boys got the patented "she's happy she's in heaven speech," but Michael demanded the truth and when he got it, he gave a very chilling response:

Sonny: Leticia was killed, Michael. It looks like it might've been one of my enemies.
Michael: You have to kill them, Dad. I loved Leticia. You have to make them pay for killing her.
Sonny: That's not the answer, Michael.
Michael: I don't care. You can't let them get away with this.
Sonny: Enough! Leticia loved you very much. She wouldn't want you to grow up to be the kind of person who would want revenge.
Michael: They have to pay for killing her.
Sonny: It's not going to bring her back, Michael. It's not going to make you feel better. Revenge only puts a hole in your heart, and it hurts your soul.
Michael: It's not fair. It's not fair.

There are soooooooooooooooo many things wrong with the scenario. Number 1, if Michael is already giving out orders to kill for revenge, I think it's time to call Lainey. I'm sure she's on both Carly and Sonny's speed dial, right? Number 2, Sonny needs to learn to take his own advice. Later in the week, Trevor blackmailed Kate into breaking things off with Sonny and he got angry and threw a little hissy fit.

Sonny: Jason, why is it -- every -- when I -- when I ask that I want somebody dead, right, I have to defend myself.
Jason: Because not too long ago, you told me I was making decisions on pure emotion. This is pure emotion. It's personal for you.
Sonny: You're damn right it's personal! He ruined my mother's life! He's -- he's fronting for my enemy, he's forcing Kate to turn her back on me! I -- I don't like the guy, I want him dead! That's it! Now, I'm asking you to do it! I'm not -- I'm not going to ask you again! I'm just going to -- I'm just telling you, do what I need. Please.

The only thing that would have made this better was if Sonny stomped his feet and kicked a few toys for good measure like a real child throwing a tantrum. At this point I'm thinking okay you've made your point. Anthony Z. is a bad, bad, bad man because he killed a helpless nanny moving along. Um, apparently not. Here's part of's Monday recap:
Jason and Carly jump into action to try and help the first murder victim.

First? As in there will be more? Eff. Seriously, if I wanted to see this stuff on a regular basis, I'd watch the Sopranos. This is a soap. A little bit of action is alright, but what about romance? Where's the romance? Oh that's right. You killed it.

The one recent bright spot for the show recently has been the A-dorable scenes between Patrick and Robin. Apparently the powers that be found out that this couple is one of the few romantic and entertaining things on this show and since it's their mission in life to make me miserable, they broke them up - AGAIN. I will say that breaking up over wanting/not wanting children makes much more sense than the ridiculous fake romance with Nikolas that was manufactured by Craig breakup, but the scenes were kind of disappointing. To start with, they made it look like Robin was neglecting Patrick because she chose to go to work instead of playing racecars. What really sucked was that the whole fight started because of a certain nurse that somehow found her way from the night shift to daytime General Hospital and slithered herself right into Patrick's apartment. The breakup seemed to be amicable compared to the demise of other couples, but what threw me was Patrick inviting Robin to dinner a day (maybe it was still the same day?) after breaking up. It's nice that he still wants to be friends, but I think he needs to give the girl some space. I mean, asking your ex out minutes after THE breakup, who does that? I guess the boy's new to the whole relationship thing so I'll give him a pass.
Robin declined the invitation and found herself at Sonny's coffee shop with Jason who offered a supportive ear. I think these two have a really nice, friendly chemistry so I found the scenes surprisingly enjoyable. All of you Robin/Patrick and Jason/Liz fans holding those pitchforks and aiming those tomatoes at my head wait just a minute. I don't think you have anything to worry about because the GH execs seem to have been working on the Jason/Liz pairing for quite some time and I don't think they're ready to scrap it just yet. I highly doubt after laying all of the groundwork that they would switch midway through and toss Jason and Robin together. Everyone just calm down and breathe. Better? Good.
Speaking of Elizabeth, this week she told Emily that she wasn't ready to sleep with Lucky because so much had happened. Meanwhile, Lucky was busy setting up a romantic evening for him and Liz. I was a little perplexed in these scenes because I thought we were in the Lucky's- angry-at-Liz-for-sleeping-with-Jason phase, so wouldn't it make sense that Lucky would be the one opposed to being with Liz? I thought she wanted to make things work. Oh that's right. She wants Jason and she's just lying to herself and everyone else. Nevermind.
After Elizabeth rejected Lucky's advances he heads over to Sam's and they hop in the hot tub and start going at it. I'm not sure what's most upsetting in this scenario; the fact that Sam is trying to seduce someone to get back at Jason you know, because that went over so well last year with Ric (my eyes! my eyes!) or the fact that after working so hard to get over being a cheater last summer, that Lucky's willing to do it again. I think what's happening here is the writers are really trying to make Sam and Lucky look like scum so Liz and Jason look like shining examples in comparison. Everyone's a fault in this situation so can't we just leave it at that and not turn it into a competition to see whose character can be destroyed quicker?

Continuing with the theme of messed up family, Nikolas talked to his cousin and brother about what they were planning on doing (is that a little incestuous?), but apparently it fell on deaf ears. Back at Wyndemere, Nikolas' dark mood continued as he tried to deflect Emily's suspicions that he was lying about where he was before dinner. Later, when Alexis moved herself and the girls in as a precautionary step, Jerry showed up looking for his lawyer. I'm surprised he found the time what with trying to save Jax, meeting with Trevor, discovering Kate was poisoned and choking Sam and threatening to kill her if she didn't seduce some information out of Trevor. Nikolas' reaction was far from hospitable. He immediately lept at Jerry's throat and tried to kill him. I don't blame the prince because I'd be pretty pissed off too if someone poisoned me for months, but what I am upset with him for is lashing out at Alexis. It's not only bad manners, but I think everyone should just STOP YELLING AT ALEXIS. Last year's scream fest at the dying cancer patient was about all I could handle and I see no reason for a repeat performance, especially from her nephew. Can we please just find out what bug crawled up Nikolas' butt so we can move on from his moodiness?
The one bright spot in this whole mess was the return of the Q's after being MIA for about a month.
Thankfully the Q's still include a wisecracking Alan who had plenty to say about his sister's scheme to breakout of Shadybrook.

Alan: If Father ever finds out that you manufactured the collapse of E.L.Q., your ass is grass.
Line. Of. The. Week.
Back at the mansion the typical arguments over who owned the house and that Luke Spencer is a reprobate ensued. After finally taking that DNA test, Scott and Logan returned to the mansion where the Q's tried to have Logan tossed out while forbidding Lulu to ever see him. Her response was to say they weren't the boss of her and that she was going to move in with Logan. Yeah. This is going to end well.
One quick little note before I leave you all. I'm a little perplexed by the powers that be's logic this week, not that that is anything new. The majority of your audience is women so does it really make sense to have female characters constantly degraded by having them exploit their sexuality to gain information for men or to be physically assaulted by said men? Obviously you don't know the answer so let me help you out: No, it doesn't. I think it's time to redefine what you view as "entertainment." I'm just saying.

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