Thursday, September 6, 2007

Dispenser of Wisdom is Right

Georgie Jones is an incredibly underused character which is a shame because Lindze Letherman appears to be a talented actress (I can't be certain since she gets zero screen time).

When she finally popped up on my screen this week I was of course pleased to see her, but I love her even more now that she's willing to point out the reality of Jason's lifestyle.

Georgie: You're not Jason, and all of the shooting lessons in the world is not going to make you that.
Spinelli: But he could teach me to be more like him.
Georgie: I don't mean any offense by this, but why would you want to be? I -- you know, I don't know jason all that well, but from what I can see, he lives a pretty bleak life. And let's be honest -- he kills people for sonny.

So they do understand that Jason KILLS PEOPLE. It only makes it that much more perplexing that he is continually portrayed as a hero.

Georgie: Ok. Even if all the people that Jason's ever killed deserved it, it is still a relentlessly negative, destructive way to live your life. Spinelli, you are smart and funny, and, you know, obviously, you're a genius on the computer. But I can tell by the way that you talk that you read and you expand your mind, and you are curious about things. What's jason interested in? What -[Georgie sighs] Have you ever seen the guy enthusiastic about anything? I understand that he's brain-damaged -- and he probably can't help himself -- but why would anybody choose a life like that, especially you?
Do you see how easy it was to just state the facts? I didn't think I could have been more delighted with Georgie's insight, but then I was pleasantly surprised because I was treated to more of Miss Jones dishing out the truth today.
Georgie: What if Jason died tomorrow?
(Sweetie, Guza would never let that happen)
Spinelli: That's a bit of a harsh hypothetical.
Georgie: Oh -- ok, that -- that came out really harsh. I'm so sorry for that. No, no, this is in reference to the conversation that we were having earlier. Jason kills people for a living for Sonny. I mean, he is -- he's a hit man, which, logic would suggest, that other people are trying to kill him, too. Which makes him a target, which makes it very, very dangerous for you to be living with him. But that -- that's not my point. I know that broadening your intellectual horizons may not sound great right now, but it's really shortsighted. I mean, you don't plan on being a tech guy for the mob forever, do you?
Georgie is wise beyond her years, or maybe it's simply because everyone around her is made to look like idiots. Oh and by the way, this:

Adorable. I could totally get behind this pairing, as long as Georgie doesn't have to go over to the dark side in the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Lindze's talented.