Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just Saying

I'll keep this week's column short and sweet because I'm saving my energy for an upcoming rant. Believe me, you'll know it when you see it.

Alrighty then. I surprisingly enjoyed Luke's heart surgery storyline this week because of all the family interaction and of course the dream sequence, which I already discussed. I adored his scenes with Lucky and I was pleasantly surprised by his talk with Barbara Jean. These two really have a great brother/sister vibe and it's a shame the writers don't put it to good use more often. Despite these surprises, I think I was most shocked that I saw Tracy, Scotty, Leslie and Bobbie all in one place for an extended amount of time and it wasn't a holiday or a funeral. I mean can you believe that many vets were allowed to be dusted off and hauled out of storage at once? I would like to think that one of the higher ups have finally heard my pleas to use the veteran actors, but truthfully, I think they had to use them because everyone else is on Christmas vacation. The fact that the decision was likely not caused by a positive shift in the writing makes me nervous considering there's a killer on the loose.

Maxie's would be killer is still out there, but the spunky Jones girl lives to be blunt another day thanks to Georgie's perfect timing. The younger sister caught a glimpse of the psycho, but not enough to I.D. him. Throughout the week, Georgie grew more suspicious of Coop and enlisted Spinelli's expertise to help her prove it. While Spinelli was explaining his mission to Jason, the hitman finally clued the hacker slacker into the fact that Ms. Jones has a crush on him. It was actually quite adorable seeing that dim little lightbulb flicker on, but then I grew angry as I realized what was to come.....but I will try to hold onto that anger for the rant that is forthcoming.

While Georgie was becoming more certain that Coop is the culprit, Mac and Lucky were convinced that Johnny is the killer and he was brought in for questioning only to be released thanks to Diane (Jason sent her because he doesn't believe Johnny did it). What shocked me was Diane's monologue on Mac's past:

Mac: Your client is a suspect in a serial murder case. He has a serious rap sheet.
Diane: "Serious," commissioner? A hormonal teenager who drives too fast? Maybe got himself into a couple of fistfights? This is an overprivileged young man with a troubled family life.
Mac: He is a suspect in a serial murder case.
Diane: That your own daughters couldn't identify in a lineup. Now, had my client, for instance, worked as a -- oh, I don't know -- soldier of fortune, let's say -- if his record included assault on a police officer, attempted murder, dealing with loan sharks to pay off gambling debts, and a nasty explosives incident in a mine owned by the Jacks family in Australia -- oh, wait a minute. That's you, isn't it?

Did someone seriously remember that Mac has a history? Holy crap! I wonder if this means the scabs are writing now. Actually, wait. Cancel that. The PCPD employees are still being written as incompetent so it's definitely still the work of the usual writers.

Now time for the lightening round:

*Sam and Lucky decided to move in together, but the when and where are still being worked out and I'm still suspicious of Sam's motives.

*Sonny and Kate are still arguing over boundaries, but Kate gave in and slept with her ex, so it's safe to say her resolve is weakening (dang it, I really want a woman to stand up to Sonny!).

*Lulu's lying to Logan because she's secretly trying to meet Johnny.

*Johnny wanted to broker a truce for Sonny, which I'm all for (it'd be a nice change don't you think?), but Trevor's made that impossible by killing 3 of Sonny's men. As if that wasn't enough, when we left him Friday, he had managed to set up Johnny, Lulu and Sonny to be killed/injured.

*Cruz is alive (hooray!!!) But his brief appearance was just to make Coop look more guilty (boo!!).

*That new nurse's itchy elbow equalling bad things happening was so LAME!! Go put some lotion on your chapped skin and shut up! Bad things have happened in that hospital and throughout Port Charles long before you ever stumbled through those ER doors and bad happenings will continue whether or not you remember to put lotion on your itchy body parts. I'm not knocking all superstitions here, simply really lame ones. There are definitely better superstitions out there.

I'm just saying.

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