Monday, December 17, 2007

"The World is a Darker Place..."

Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about the creative minds who thought killing Georgie Jones would be a good idea.

How could you murder someone this adorable:

Number one, the timing sucks. Not only is this way too close to the time of Emily's murder, but it's the holiday season. You couldn't have waited a few extra weeks? According to this article, unlike Emily, this really is the last we'll see of Georgie which sucks because she would have made a great conscience to Maxie since that's the role she played in life anyway. I swear to God this is going to be the saddest soap Christmas I have seen in a long time, provided I continue to watch at all.

Second, there is absolutely NO SANE REASON for killing Georgie Jones!!! She is a sweet, understanding, good, loving character with a great sense of right and wrong. Those types characters are a NECESSITY on soaps. Viewers can only handle so many lying, backstabbing bitches who will never admit to their faults unless a character with no agenda and a good moral compass point those faults out to them. Characters like Georgie make us want to be better people and they give us hope that there really are kindhearted people still left in the world, fictional or not.

Another thing that irks me is how she was killed. Georgie is smart. I can buy that her blinders would go up if she thought she was protecting her sister, but the fact that she didn't even think to have backup when she ventured out to the park was ridiculous. The fact that she was out in the open instead of watching from the bushes with say Spinelli to see who showed up, was also ridiculous because Georgie would have thought to do that. How do I know this? Consider the following:

How many capers did she and Dillon get involved in?

Who are her parents?


Speaking of Spinelli, why could no one have clued him in sooner to Georgie's feelings?? This was just cruel, sick and twisted. This way Georgie leaves this world thinking she had gotten involved once again with some unrequited love.

Sick I tell you.

Sick and cruel.

Isn't it enough that you're taking this young, kind character from the show? I guarantee that fact alone is heartbreaking enough with adding all this extra sadness to it. Props to Bradford Anderson by the way. I'm continually impressed when they give him something serious to play instead of the goofy.

While we're on the subject of the mob, they were on waaaaayyyyy too much today. Georgie Jones is the daughter of fricken' legacy characters and she deserved so much more than what she got. Hell, Mac deserved better. He is like the only dad in Port Charles who actually takes care of his kids (his in every way that mattered). John J. York pulled at my icy heart today and it was so awful to see his character so devastated.

Mac: They got her, Lucky. They got Georgie.

No sadder words have ever been uttered.

The person that really got to me was Maxie (Kirsten Storms). Her reaction to Lucky's delivery of the bad news as well as the fit she threw when she was struggling to get to her sister once she arrived on the scene absolutely broke me.

Just like with Emily's death, I am beyond livid with the lack of goodbye scenes due to this idiotic killer storyline. For God's sake, Maxie and Georgie's last scenes involved them fighting over Coop possibly being the killer!! What the hell is that?!! Maxie shared some nice memories of her sister today, but you know what would have been nice? Actually seeing said nice scenes. What about a scene with Maxie apologizing for fighting? One where Maxie tells her sister that she understands she's just looking out for her and that's why she loves her.

Or what about a quick scene with Mac where he calls to check on Georgie and tells her how much he loves her and how proud he is of her? Hell, what about a scene with Robin, you know, her cousin? The person she really has the most in common with? As crappy as the writing has been lately (by recent I mean the last few years), I wouldn't be surprised if we never even see a scene where Robin finds out and honestly, I'm not sure these jerks will be kind enough to give Georgie a proper funeral. I swear to God if this all goes down in Robin's damn blog I will be one pissed off viewer!!

This whole event is an exercise in lazy writing. Writers, you already had an exit mapped out for Georgie, one that didn't involve death. She was going to study abroad, remember that? If Lindze's contract was up and you wanted to write her out, you could have written her into her study abroad adventure early. Maybe a spot opened up in the spring and the professors decided to offer it to Georgie because her good grades made her a prime candidate. She could have fallen in love with Paris (or whereever she went) and decided to finish her schooling there. After all, she originally stayed in Port Charles because of Dillon right?

Still don't want to bring her back at the end of college? Simple. Have her choose to live in Europe. It's not that much of a stretch considering Robin lived in Paris for years. If you don't want to bother stretching your creativity a little because you hate your job or are simply too lazy to do so, then quit and let someone who cares do your job. There are several people out there, myself included, who would care more about good storytelling than the bottom line. What I don't get is why the higher ups can't seem to understand that the former will lead to the latter. I can guarantee that this stunt is going to lose you more viewers that you gain.

As far as I can tell, Lindze is a talented actress who was never really given the chance to flex her acting muscles on this show. Saying there was a lack of story for the character is a load of crap because there was still so many ways to flesh out the character of Georgie Jones. She still had a lot of stories or life (depending on how you look at it) ahead of her.

Spinelli: She shouldn't be dead.

Damn straight. Now if you could convince the writers of this, that would be great.

So have I mentioned in the last five minutes how much I hate, loathe, detest, abhor and despise this damn show?


Anonymous said...

you're dead on. for the first time in 25 years, i'm considering turning GH off. It was such a bad decision!! Is there nothing we can do??

Anonymous said...

Amen. Yes, it's just so utterly pointless and unnecessary. There is absolutely no reason for doing it and I cannot for the life of me see how they ever thought it would be a good idea or what could be gained from it.

Anonymous said...

Great blog post on the topic.
I agree, I am surprised and quite disappointed they killed off Georgie. She was quite a good actress and while she hasnt had much to do lately that was really interesting or challenging, I liked her character.
I'm not happy about this victimizing women with a serial killer theme. It's quite disturbing. And ultimately feels pointless. Didnt "all my children" have a similar storyline on some level - big characters being killed off? I only loosely know that was happening on amc, but this storyline on gh feels quite recycled.
keep up the good work, well written post.

Anonymous said...

This is so on the money. I'm just not sure that the powers that be care anymore. GH, the once great soap of all soaps is slowly being destroyed before our eyes by writers who write what they want, not what the viewers want.