Sunday, October 21, 2007

Just Saying

Lulu is still an idiot this week because she got kidnapped.........AGAIN! Good Lord, how about some creativity? Lulu was kidnapped for the umpteenth time when she once again hitched a ride with Johnny Z. after having a fight with Luke over getting back with Logan. Her reunion with her ex is just one more reason why I can say this girl is an idiot. I will say that I felt an intriguing vibe between these two which is a nice change compared to Lulu's other chemistryless pairings.

Unfortunately I just don't have much to say because none of the stories are progressing.

*Sonny demanded a meeting with Anthony Zacchara (again).

*Jason saved Lulu (again).

*Lucky and Liz's divorce continued to disintegrate as Lucky filed for emergency custody of Jake only to lose all visitation rights until the mediation.

*Max saved Carly from Nikolas' letter opener.

*Patrick played tattletale (otra vez) as Robin asked Jax and Lucky to be her baby's father.

*After turning Robin down, Jax told Carly he wanted to have children (again) and she said someday.

Hands down the most unique scenes were the drunken scenes between Max and Diane. The two became drinking partners at the MetroCourt bar and commiserated about the lack of respect they receive from Carly and Sonny respectively. Their sympathetic ears quickly translated into sliding between the sheets, but thankfully Max put the brakes on. The flirting was humorous, but I think an actual romp in the hay would have just left me scarred.
Props to the director for that last shot. The Graduate reference totally made my day.

So in summary...... is it November yet? I swear, willfully enduring the slow-paced storytelling in between sweeps months seriously makes me question my sanity. Just saying.

Caps courtesy of: Clarissa and LaurieluvsLiason

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