Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Saying

Due to the fact that I have to work because apparently I cannot be a professional blogger, this will be an abridged version of the weekly roundup. Think of it like watching GH on fastforward so you only have to sit through the bearable stuff.

Luke/Tracy - Luke came back (finally)!!! Did it seem like he was gone longer than usual this time? These vacations make me nervous because sometimes I worry he's going to see how ridiculous the show is think why bother? Luke found out about Lulu's relationship with a Baldwin and blew his lid.

Luke returning to Port Chuck? Cool!

Yelling at Tracy and Nikolas for not taking care of his parental responsibilities? Not so cool.

Lulu/Logan - Luke's arrival just happened to coincide with Scott agreeing to drop the charges against said rebel only if Lulu gave Logan another shot. I really don't have anything else to say because the whole Lulu/Logan thing has been disappointing to me. Too many missed opportunities.

Lucky/Elizabeth - Lucky threatened to file for full custody of Jake to shake Elizabeth up, but I think it's just going to send her into hyperbitch mode. She's been progressing along the bitch scale for the past year, but now I think she's going to take it to new extremes. God help us all.

Nikolas/Emily - Nikolas admitted that in addition to his fits of rage he's now losing time and it looks like he might be the one who stabbed Jerry. What is one to do when facing all of these problems? Why throw a party of course. Seriously? A ball is Nikolas' solution? Besides looking at all the pretty, I hate parties because they always end in disaster (MetroCourt anyone?) and this is clearly headed for a disaster. I'm sorry. Let me try putting my optimistic face on. Ahem. Shoving half the town into a ballroom in a fortress located on an island with a rageaholic and a various assortment of other wackos sounds like a great idea! Riiiggggtttt.

Robin/Patrick - Hooray for Robin for standing up to Patrick about her decision to move on with her life by having a baby! Now I love the girl, but I am a little creeped out by the potential babydaddy list because it just seems weird running around town asking for DNA. I say weird, you say progressive. Tomato/Tomatoe. I'm actually willing to look past this thought because I think we'll be getting some more jealous Patrick and I'm all for putting the shoe on the other foot.

Carly/Jax - This week they freaked out when Wes (Everyday Heroes guy) showed up with photos of them that had been sent to the studio. Apparently someone had taken pictures of them "fooling around" on the couch from Carly's cell phone. So, can you really do that?

Note to self: Forget about the upgrade to a cell phone with a camera.

Sonny/Kate - Kate decided start a new magazine and Sonny had Jason kidnap Johnny Z. In other words, I don't care.

Newbies - As if all the Night Shift crossovers wasn't bad enough, now someone thought it would be a good idea to bring more newbies to the ALREADY FULL AND VERY TALENTED CANVAS. First up, we had Jolene's sister Nadine and I find her annoying already. Then we had some new detective guy. Um, what was wrong with Cruz? If I find out Adrian Alvarado bailed, I will be sad, yet happy that he realized he deserves better.

In other General Hospital news, I ran across some ratings this week that indicated that the show had hit a new low in terms of viewers. Hmm. I wonder why. Let's see if I can break it down for you dear GH execs:

Low ratings means fewer people tuning in.
Fewer people are watching probably because no one likes what they're seeing.
Maybe, just maybe, you should consider changing your approach to storytelling.

I'm just saying.

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